
Year 4

Terrific Tudors


Pupils will begin the term studying poetry. Further along in the term, pupils will move on to study historical fiction and the work of William Shakespeare and play scripts. Pupils will continue to work on their spellings, grammar, handwriting and comprehension skills.


Pupils will study the four rules of number including written methods. They will also study shape, space and measure topics such as time, weight, capacity and co-ordinates.


‘Third Rock from the Sun’, children will study rocks, soils, materials (natural and man-made). They will use the knowledge they have gained and apply it to investigations.


Pupils will learn how to use internet search engines effectively. They will also use Dazzle to create digital Tudor portraits.


History forms the heart of our topic this term. Pupils will learn about the Tudor era including, Henry VIII and his six wives, the reformation, Tudor clothing, food and crime and punishment.


Pupils will study Tudor travel and exploration. They will also compare maps and their locality to the Tudor times


Pupils will design and make a Tudor ship.

 Design and Technology

Pupils will design and make a photo frame for their Tudor portrait.

 Personal and Social Education

Pupils will learn how to keep themselves safe. PC Jackson will be visiting to give a talk about anti-social behaviour.


Pupils will study the reformation and how authority can bring freedom.

 Physical Education

Pupils will take part in Tudor dance and begin their swimming lessons.


Pupils will study Tudor music and compose their own Tudor music.


Pupils will learn how ask for things in the Welsh language, how to give instructions and express likes and dislikes.


Two pieces of homework will be given out on Fridays and will be due back into school on the following Wednesday. Reading diaries and reading books should be returned on the days specified in your child’s reading diary.


Children will be visiting St Giles Church and a science related field trip. Further information regarding these trips will be sent out during this term.

Be Kind,Be Respectful,Be Your Best

Contact us at Borras Park Community School

Borras Park Community School
Borras Park Road
LL12 7TH