The school provides education for girls and boys aged three to eleven and has approximately 490 pupils on roll. This includes the children of the Hearing Impaired Unit, which is an integral part of the school and provides for children from the wider area of Wrexham and the surrounding district.
Children with other additional learning needs are carefully monitored within ordinary classes and given appropriate provision, either through 'withdrawal' sessions or through in-class support.
Intake each year is dealt with through Wrexham admissions and is based primarily on proximity to the school.
The school follows the current Wrexham County Council Policy on admissions.
Electronic admission forms are to be completed by Parents or carers, however paper copies are available on request.
Click on the link below to make an online application. Online admissions open in September.
Wrexham Council Online admissions
On applying for a Nursery and Reception place parents can state their preferred school but allocation of a place will be dependent on the number of places available at that school.
A place in Nursery does not necessarily guarantee a place in Reception. The county council makes the decision as to which school your child will be offered a place in.
The same criteria apply for admission to secondary school for Year 6 pupils. If the school is oversubscribed the local authoritys over subscription criteria will be applied to allocate places.
We welcome visits from prospective parents. The Headteacher or member of the Senior Management Team would be happy to show you around our school and discuss your child's educational needs. If you would like to book a visit please contact the school.
Please see information on Wrexham Council website for Nursery and Reception places.