Universal Offer
From September 2021, changes in legislation include a change in terminology from Special
Educational Needs (SEN) to Additional Learning Needs (ALN). It also requires the Local Authority
(LA) in the first instance to secure education for children and young people with ALN in maintained
mainstream schools. Exceptions to this are limited.
Therefore, at Borras Park Primary school, in line with the vast majority of mainstream schools in Wrexham, we will be able to meet the needs of those pupils with ALN through the implementation of appropriate strategies, carefully differentiated
and targeted interventions and programmes delivered by school staff.
External agencies may support school to implement the targeted interventions for some learners.
For some pupils their Individual Learning Needs may be best met in a smaller class within a
mainstream school. These are called Resourced Provisions. Wrexham County Borough Council has a
number of Resourced Provision classes in nursery, primary and secondary schools, which meet the
needs of pupils with a range of ALN.
For a very small percentage of learners, their ALN may meet the requirements of the ALN Act’s
exceptional circumstances and may therefore require access to specialist provision. Admission to
access specialist provision is determined through the Local Authority Inclusion Panel.
For learners who are undergoing an assessment of their ALN by the Local Authority, it is important
that parents still apply for a mainstream placement through the normal admission procedure.
Parents who wish to obtain further advice and information concerning ALN, should contact the
Inclusion Service, through ALN@wrexham.gov.uk (Tel: 01978 295498/5499).
Parents with children who have ALN can access independent advice, guidance and support through
contacting the Parent Partnership Service provided by SNAP Cymru through 0808 801 0608 (Monday
– Friday 9.30 am – 4.30 pm)
Please click on the link below for further information on ALN provision in Wrexham.
Additional Learning Needs